Gina is a Metatron Colour Healing™ Practitioner. With Archangel Metatron as her primary guide, Gina support clients return to a harmonic state working with universal rays of light, angelic realm, ascended master energies and other benevolent beings of light through the guidance of Archangel Metatron. Gina acts as a clear vessel for Metatron’s healing light to come through and support clients clear energetic imbalances within the chakra system, light body and aura.
With intuitive guidance the use of Color, Aroma Therapy/Aura Sprays, Crystals, Sacred Geometry, Sound, Guided Meditation, and Breath work may be incorporated during a session.
Gina’s primary focus with clients is Light Body Activation, Charka Balancing, Ancestral Healing, Harmonizing the Light Body.
Energy Clearing may support you in every area of life, for example:
- Heal Past Trauma
- Ancestral Healing
- Connection to Spirit
- Self Love
- Stimulate Creativity
- Increase Physical Energy / Vitality
- Stimulate Intuition and Self Knowledge
- Inner Strength and Sense of Responsibility
- Grief/Loss
- Relationships/Contracts
- Illness
This work may restructure you on a cellular level and activate your DNA in accordance to your body and Higher Self.
Do to the nature of this work a there is a pre session intake which can be done via email. Sessions are scheduled a minimum 3 to 7 days ahead time, and are by appointment only.
Bookings are scheduled directly through Gina via email and can be “REMOTE” or “IN-OFFICE”. In your email please provide description of what guidance your are seeking or what’s going on in your life you need support with.
Disclaimer: Vibrational, Energy Clearing, and Metatron Colour Healing are complimentary therapies to your wellness. Results may vary. This does not replace your Primary Care Physician or Mental Health Provider. Should you have a medical and/or mental health concern, contact your Primary Care Physician.
Note: Due to the Nature of this work there are no refunds (Applies to all Clients). Payment must be received prior scheduling (Remote Client’s Only).
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